Learn more about the future of wastewater surveillance to protect public health.
Moderator: Dr. Itai Bar-Or - Director | Israel National Centre for Environmental Virology
- Israeli Ministry of Health about the future of public health in the collection system
Moshe Wein -WBE Surveillance Project Lead | Israeli Ministry of Health
- Managing an evolving pandemic using virome abundance and diversity
Prof. Ariel Kushmaro - Department of Biotechnology Engineering | BGU
- Tracking antimicrobial resistance using a One Health-based approach
Prof. Jacob Moran-Gilad, MD MPH FESCMID | Ben Gurion University of the Negev
- Lessons learned and the future outlook of public health surveillance.
Jordan Schmidt - Director, Product Applications | LuminUltra Technologies Ltd
- From pandemic disaster to pandemic preparedness: Valuable insights from two continents
Kerusha Lutchmiah - Consultant & Project Manager - Water Technology International | Royal Haskoning DHV
In this session we’ll share the lessons learned while integrating and comparing clinical and wastewater surveillance data from the Netherlands and South Africa into our dashboard.
A dashboard is only as good as the data it receives, so developing a standardized data protocol was imperative to overcoming the challenges in the two very different countries.
These challenges include:
- Lack of funds & lack of ownership
- Testing not being accessible to everyone
- Large gaps in data, unexplained peaks and differences in normalization
- Differences in methodologies and monitoring regimes
- Privacy regulations
- Politics, including country bans and their consequence on research
Regardless of the challenges, a comparison of the data was still possible, resulting in valuable outcomes. This showed that a beneficial pandemic monitoring program can be developed with urgency, to predict future measures and prevent further surges.