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Download the Quality Assessment

Map for your jurisdiction


Pulse intends to support you to prioritize efforts and improve wastewater quality through wastewater data intelligence. The data supports strategic decision making, optimizing operational costs and pre-treatment processes, and protect public health and the environment.

This map assists the wastewater department to understand most impacted polluted areas and be a guideline on where to put the efforts to achieve a more optimal wastewater quality influent for the WWTP.

When submitting your details you will receive a similar assessment as shown above, which will analyze a specific jurisdiction in your area and provide an indication of the wastewater quality.

*Please note once the details submitted, it takes two business days to process your information. Only public information and your form submission is utilized.

Pulse | Quality Map Assessment

“Data will allow us to address the big challenges that we have ahead of us”

Dr. Itai Bar-Or - Director | Israel National Centre for Environmental Virology